“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Does any body know where Al Gore is hibernating?

Here are a few of the headlines on Drudge this morning --

25% of plows broken...
New Jersey road crews running out of salt...
Up to 22 in Philadelphia...
Snowstorm shatters local records in Chicago...
It's official: Baltimore Snow Record!
Senate global warming hearing cancelled...
Legislation buried under record snowfall in capital...
Feds Warn: Snow Costs Taxpayers $100 Million A Day...
Washington Builds a Snow Mountain...

Heh, heh....with the unprecedented snow and cold weather, Al Gore must be curled up with a bottle of Jack Daniels in a corner of his 30,000 sq.ft mansion in Tennessee as his global-warming house of cards crumbles and his fortune of investments in the idiotic green-energy industry plunges faster than Lindsay Lohan's career.

1 comment:

Joe Camel said...

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to "where ?" we go,
We keep on freezing all day long Hi Ho

Hi Ho Hi Ho its just more snow,
We see it fall from the global warmed skies, Hi Ho Hi Ho

Hi Ho Hi Ho Will it get down to 0,
I think that it will be too warm.

Love To all my doubters AL