“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Monday, January 22, 2007

Gov't educated no doubt

Now these are some dumb hippies...

Romanian snowboarders have staged a protest at the lack of snow in front of the country's weather institute.

Blocking traffic, the snowboarders sat in the road and only moved on when weather officials said that their complaint at the lack of snow "would be passed on to a higher authority", Ananova reports on January 16th.

I thought European youths were supposed to be vastly smarter than American youths. Even our stupid, government-educated snowboarders wouldn't protest the weather.


Anonymous said...

The main reason for the lack of snow was that the snowboarders were snorting it, since their cocaine supply was out. This placebo experiment was proved a tremendous suucess when the "sit in" was staged. Obviusly this is a huge medical breakthru

Anonymous said...

One could almost suspect they did it as a publicity stunt. You know, as kids do. To get in the media - or primitive blogs.

Nah - they're probably just stupid young communists.